Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 6th

Oh Amigo ...

April 5th

Took this picture of Amigo ...

And found Lenny snoozing behind the chair.

Butt touches ...

April 4th

April 3rd

Olive is a rug monster.

Kittens first play-time!

April 2nd

This is very very rare. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen these two lay near each other, much less ON each other. Jolene hates everyone, and Lenny is no exception to that rule. Yet they were actually snoozing right on top of each other. Neither one of us moved for fear of starting a war.

April 1st

Foe Easter, I gave my niece some confetti. She really enjoyed it. I hope my mom enjoyed cleaning it up, cause I didn't feel responsible for it. :) Love you mom!

March 31st

March 30th

Messy messy eaters.

Omar's ear appears to have some fluid build up. I'm going to have to get it drained, but I have to go to a specific vet and it's a little difficult to get an appointment unless it's urgent. His ear doesn't appear to be urgent.

I made an easter cake. It was a big hit!

March 29th

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 28th

March 27th

March 26th

March 25th

I even have cat furniture in my closet. I might need help.

March 24th

Lenny has a favorite toy. He received it as part of an internet gift swap I participated in. Anyhow, he ripped the jingly part out of it and laid there staring at it for a few moments. He was really sad.

Amigo has a landing strip.

I really don't think this bookshelf is supposed to hold cats and fish.

Heidi snoozes with my arm.