Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 11th

I wake up to a bed full of cats every single day, and then there's these two. Everyday Lenny has to demand attention, but he only does this to Gerald. It hurts my feelers, cause after all Lenny is my cat. I fought to keep him because G didn't want to keep the "retarded one" out of all the ones we had in Oklahoma. Lenny just doesn't have much to do with me if G is home. And that sucks because he's home four days a week!

After several years of having a hand me down couch from my mom (Thanks!), we finally grew up and bought a new couch. So far it's been working out quite well. I always wanted a sectional. And I got a fantastic deal on it (like I can't even explain how pleased I was with it!), so that makes it even better. The cats are having a bit of a difficult time adjusting to it, though. 

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